Wednesday, 18 September 2013

the outside world

What would the world be like if we gave each child more time to be outside?

What would the world be like for children to spend more time in open places, old and new, so they could understand about the continuity from generation to generation or understand a history and learn of their unique place in this big wide world?

Small and big places where they experience openness and flexibility, places where they learn about healthy boundaries.

Safe places to dream because they know love and support.

Places to wander, to hide, places to experience more creativity and more freedom, so when they grow and change, they will remember their rich inner landscape.

What would the world be like for our children to catch more beauty, more light from the sun, and wonder in the shadows?

What would the world be like if we gave each child more time outside and we started following?

1 comment:

  1. oh, I remember so fondly my time with you in Scotland where we did just that: touring ruins, walking fields, playing in abandoned castles and cathedral ruins. Fantastic. Places where imaginations are nourished.
    (and just look at your amazing children)

